Blueberry Resources

I love blueberries and decided to create this post for myself, so that I could find all my Blueberry Resources in one place. Hope you enjoy and learn as much as I have about blueberries.

When you buy fresh blueberries, look for berries that are firm, dry, plump and smooth-skinned, with a silvery surface bloom and no leaves or stems. Size isn’t an indicator of maturity but color is – berries should be deep purple-blue to blue-black.

Reddish blueberries aren’t ripe, and won’t ripen once they are picked but you can use them in cooking. Avoid blueberries that look soft or shriveled or have any signs of mold. If you see juice stains in a container of blueberries, the fruit might be bruised.

Refrigerate fresh blueberries when you get them home, either in their original plastic pack or in a covered bowl or container. Be sure to wash your blueberries just before you start snacking, and eat them within 10 days of purchase.

AGAIN: Remember not to wash blueberries with water until you are ready to use them.

Blueberry Tips & Tricks

Get the Recipe for Blueberry Pie From Betty’s Berry Farm
Here are a few Blueberry Pies suggestions from her site:

“Put blueberries in a zip lock baggy with some flour and shake them so they don’t sink in the batter.” — RoxanneG
At the store, choose blueberries that are firm, deeply colored, and uniform in size.
Blueberries stay fresh up to 5 days.
To freeze, arrange on a baking sheet in a single layer. Then put them in a plastic bag or other container. They should last in the freezer until blueberry season next year.
Blueberries are at their best from May until early October.

Blueberry Council

The Blueberry Council has a lot of answers to my questions:

How should I store blueberries?
Refrigerate fresh blueberries when you get them home, either in their original plastic clamshell or in a covered bowl or container. Rinse fresh blueberries immediately before you use them.

What types of food go well with blueberries?
Blueberries are super versatile, and pair well with a number of savory and sweet dishes. Browse through our blueberry recipes or visit our suggested pairings to get some delicious ideas!

Is it okay to use blueberries that are reddish in color?
Reddish blueberries aren’t ripe, so they will taste a bit sour on their own, but they are fine to use in cooking and baking.

How can I use other forms of blueberries besides fresh?
Fresh blueberries are great, and other forms like frozen, canned, freeze dried and dried blueberries give you even more possibilities. There are a number of ways to use them, from scones and biscotti to sauces and salads. Browse our recipes to find ideas!

When are blueberries in season?
While peak blueberry season in the U.S. and Canada is in the summer, beautiful fresh blueberries are available to us year round thanks to imports from our friends in South America.

How do I grow my own blueberries?
Certain varieties of blueberries grow better in specific regions. Be sure to talk to your local nursery if you want to grow your own blueberry plants at home.

How do I can or preserve blueberries?
Canning blueberries at home is a blast, but it’s important to make sure you do it in a safe and clean environment. We’ve got plenty of resources that will help you get started!

Blueberries Are Super Food

Blueberries are a super food high in antioxidants and rich in essential vitamins. Loaded with vitamin C, E and A, as well as a great source of potassium, calcium and iron.

Antioxidants prevent and repair cell damage and reduce the amount of free radicals in the body. Studies have shown that consuming one cup of blueberries provides the recommended amount of antioxidants required in a day!